Shakti Gayatri Mantra

The Shakti Gayatri Brings Healing, Protection & Growth of Consciousness

The Shakti Gayatri bijakshara sequence is a formula used in many places within the ancient palm leaf knowledge that Sri Kaleshwar shared with the world. It combines three powerful bijas, aim, klīṃ, saum, repeated three times each with the Gayatri Mantra following. Sri Kaleshwar stressed the importance of keeping these 3 power words - aim, klīṃ, saum - in the proper sequence always when used in front of the Gayatri Mantra

Shakti Gayatri Mantra:

ōṃ aiṃ aiṃ aiṃ

klīṃ klīṃ klīṃ

 sauṃ sauṃ

(ōṃ) bhur bhuva suvaḥa

tat savitur varēnyaṃ

bhargo devasya dhimaḥi

dhiyoyo naha prachodayat

The Vedic tradition says that even you have hundreds of karmas, if you meditated the Gayatri mantra one time with perfect pronunciation, it helps you a lot. It’s like a snake − every one to two months, at certain times, it removes the skin and reproduces new skin. Every person, if you keep on meditating the Gayatri or certain healing technique mantras from the Vedic tradition, every little while, it’s making you decharge all the karma. Especially the Gayatri has that kind of power. And the bijaksharas, any bijaksharas can help you a lot. Just keep on saying the bijakshara. It produces a lot of shakti, a lot of vibration, making you a powerful confident person.

So, whoever is going through those types of problems (anger, kama/desire, inner unhappiness) try to do Shakti Gayatri mantra. It helps. It brings the energy to not get disturbed. Say aim three times, say the klim three times, say the saum three times then add the Gayatri mantra. It really gives control to balance it. He (Vishvamirtra Maharishi) found it for his own protection. It's equal to the four Vedas.

Listen To & Download Audio of Shakti Gayatri Mantra (sung by Ramakrishna)

How to Soul Travel with the Shakti Gayatri.pdf
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