Performance Artists Are Natural Healers

Transmitting Soul Healing = Love + Cosmic Energy

Performance artists naturally possess many qualities which are fundamental for healing. Remember, love + cosmic energy = soul healing. The best performance artists are experts in opening their hearts to their audiences, literally 'on cue.' In turn, these powerful souls touch and open the hearts of the audience, accessing the soul primarily through the vehicle of the audiences' senses. The performance artist's body, voice, emotion - every impression created in the audience's consciousness - is the soul healing instrument.

Important Qualities of a Soul Healer:

Strong willpower
• Loving and forgiving nature
Strong determination

Love, Self-Confidence, Faith & Willpower

Confidence and faith makes you a powerful healer. You must have strong faith in yourself, whatever work you are doing. And you must have a big, loving, kind heart, like a mother. If anyone comes in front of you, your love must make them open to you. When you can 'hook' a person with your love, and are confident in commanding the energy to do what you want, then you can heal. 'Command the energy' means you are able to send the energy to help fix their problem and bring healing.

The healer must have strong willpower. “I can do it. It’s not a big deal. I can do it.” Willpower is so important. It gives you the ability to be strong under any circumstance, not to shake, not to worry; it makes your mind relaxed. Having strong willpower makes you able to face any problem and be intelligent enough to clarify what is really going on.

When your soul is filled with energy, it create incredible willpower in you, making you courageous. It helps you not to get pulled into confusion and doubt and creates a peaceful mind. Willpower is developed through practiced concentration [1] on the five elements. When soul pulls energy through the elements, the mind becomes relaxed and peaceful then the soul can command on anything. The way to gain soul power is through willpower.

The best performing artists naturally and authentically love and care for their craft and the audience they perform for. Their performances are natural acts of love for something greater than themselves. Creative artists who perform together unite their passion and form a shared vision of something together as a group that has not been created before - igniting each artist's pure creativity nature.

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