Yearning to See the Mother

Audio Contemplation Recording

Audio Transcript

Monika: It is our soul’s frequency, its beautiful fragrance, which attracts our Divine Mother’s attention. Our pure love for Her, our pure intentions for the world, our lack egoism and selfishness, and our dedication to God, are irresistible to Her. As we become ever attentive to Her presence in our heart, our love for Her grows stronger than our love for the fleeting things of this world. Our sincere yearning to come close to Her, to see Her, is fulfilled as we turn our attention to Her. This longing is like the dawn that portends the vision of the sun.

She notices how much have you given your attention to Her. How much you have surrendered to Her. As Sri Kaleshwar put it, “There’s a beautiful queen inside waiting for you. Forgive me, but you’re outside, all the way outside of the castle. You have no confidence to go inside to find Her. She’s waiting for you. She’s knows you very well but you don’t know Her at all. You heard she’s so beautiful. Of course, she is so beautiful. But how much are you really prepared mentally to give to get the queen?”

Nityaananda: It is our pure devotion, continued attention and calls to Her that draw Her close. Yogananda described it this way, “Under the desert sky I was chanting devotional hymns of India, then in the stones and palms and everywhere I saw Her, “Mother, I give You my soul-call. You cannot remain hidden any more. Come out of the silent skies, come out of the cave of silence,” She appeared everywhere. You have no idea how wonderful Divine Mother is. How great She is! How loving She is! How important to your happiness She is! The Creator can be known. The Master-Mistress of the universe who twinkles in the stars, whose life-throb is in every blade of grass, is the One you must find. That is the most important thing in this world. You must seek the Beloved in the temple of silence. When your heart again and again, with unquenchable devotion and attention, cries to the Divine Mother, then you will find Her.”

Day 8 audio contemplation excerpt from Heart of Our Divine Mother, 2014 Divine Lineage remote program.

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